LaVencion Starks, also known as Vince, is an accomplished and distinguished leader with a 30-year career in the Navy and healthcare industry. He has served in many leadership roles, including as a critical care nurse during Operation Desert Storm/Shield and Fleet Surgical Team One in San Diego aboard the USS New Orleans (LPH 11) and USS Essex (LHD 2). Vince has also served as a White House Nurse, Head Nurse Corps Assignments at Naval Personnel, Executive Officer at U.S. Naval Hospital Naples in Italy, and Commanding Officer at U.S. Naval Hospital Rota in Spain, among others.
In his final tour of active service, Vince served as Liaison Officer for the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Falls Church, Va., where he led the transition and management efforts of more than 215 medical treatment facilities from the operational control of the Bureau of Navy Medicine to the Defense Health Agency.
After retiring in 2019, Vince worked as a consultant and executive coach for the Jorgensen Learning Center, where he gained extensive experience in leadership and organizational development. He has enhanced the capabilities of individual leaders and teams. In May of 2023, Vince joined the Broadlawns executive leadership team as VP/ Chief Operating Officer.