Billing & Financial Services
Broadlawns Medical Center is dedicated to caring for our patients. We are also here to help ensure patients understand billing, insurance policies, and financial assistance options.
Please bring your insurance cards with you at each visit and present them to the registration staff to verify your current insurance coverage. You may also be asked for your photo ID and/or social security card. If you do not have health insurance, staff can provide you with information about financial assistance. Co-payments are due at the time of service.
Broadlawns Medical Center accepts all major insurances, including Medicare and Medicaid.
Financial Assistance
If you need medical care but have limited income, limited health insurance coverage, or no health insurance coverage, the Financial Counseling Department at Broadlawns Medical Center is here to help.
Need help renewing your Medicaid? Medicaid eligibility must be renewed each year. During the COVID-19 public health emergency, Medicaid for most members could not end. That requirement is ending.
Members must now complete a renewal to see if they still qualify for Medicaid.
Our certified financial counselors can help you reapply for Medicaid and help you find other sources of healthcare if needed. View the list of required documents below to make sure you are prepared for your meeting.
Be seen as a walk-in or call (515) 282-2246 to schedule an appointment.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We are ready to assist you!
Medicaid Renewal Resources:
- Moving? Change your address and contact information here.
- Flyer
When should I meet with the financial counselor?
The sooner you meet with a counselor, the quicker we can help you apply for Medicaid, Medicare, Iowa Health and Wellness Plans, other governmental programs, or the Broadlawns Community Care Program.
What resources are available?
Broadlawns Community Care Program is a program to assist residents who meet income guidelines and other criteria to receive treatment at Broadlawns Medical Center. Click here for guidelines.
Iowa Medicaid comprises various medical assistance programs available to qualifying low-income individuals.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal income supplement program administered by the Social Security Administration and designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people who have little or no income.
Medicare Supplemental Programs include various programs that supplement basic Medicare coverage for seniors.
Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC) is a federally funded program that helps low-income women, infants, and children receive nutrition guidance, health screenings, and supplemental nutritious foods.
Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa Program (HAWK-I) is a health insurance program for Iowa children in families with limited incomes.
Child Health Specialty Clinics (CHSC) provides clinic services for Iowa children and youth with chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional problems.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program (BCCT) is an Iowa program that gives women diagnosed with a pre-cancerous or cancerous breast or cervical condition access to Medicaid benefits during their treatment period.
Iowa Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS) is a state agency with programs to help people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep jobs. A person may also be found eligible for services, depending on his or her individual needs.
Crime Victims Compensation Program (CVC) is a state program that provides financial resources for victims of crime. The program helps victims with out-of-pocket expenses stemming from crime-related injuries.
What should I bring with me when meeting with a counselor?
Identification – a valid Iowa driver’s license or state-issued photo ID.
Birth Certificate – You will need to provide a birth certificate for all eligible persons. It must be a state issued document with the state seal.
To request a new birth certificate: 515-281-4944
Lucas State Office Building 321 East 12th, Des Moines
Proof of Income – for the last three (3) months, such as payroll check stubs, employer letter, award letter from Social Security Administration, disability, child support, foster care, inheritance, and Workers’ Compensation documentation. If self-employed, a ledger of expenses and latest federal income tax return.
Proof of Residency – utility statements or other documents showing your current address. We cannot accept mail from Broadlawns Medical Center
Unemployed Status (if applicable) – a current letter stating your enrollment with Iowa Workforce Development, current physician statement stating your disability status (and for how long) or a letter from Social Security Administration stating disability.
Shelter-In-Kind – a current written statement from the person supporting you and the dollar amount being provided for your care, or a completed shelter-in-kind statement provided by the Financial Counseling Department at Broadlawns Medical Center.
Savings or Checking Account – current bank statements for the past three (3) months for all accounts.
Medical insurance – Medicare card, Medicaid card, medical insurance cards, Veterans Administration card, etc. for all household members.
Social Security number - please bring your social security card. If you do not have your social security card available, you may use an income tax return, W2 or any other document that may prove your number.
Federal Income tax return - Copy of most recent filed federal income tax return.
Financial Assistance Policy
Financial Assistance Policy |
Financial Assistance Application |
Billing Collections Policy |
Contact Us
Financial Counseling, Main Campus
East Building, First Floor
1801 Hickman Road
Des Moines, IA 50314 (map)
(515) 282-2246
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.