Job Shadowing
Job shadowing provides students experiences to observe actual health care professionals. Such opportunities allow students to explore and “try on” various healthcare careers. If you are interested in identifying and securing your job shadow experience, please see our approval process and requirements. Job Shadowing opportunities are limited to 4 hours. In addition to the required application documents, job shadow applicants must also provide the following:
Application Process
All paperwork must be submitted at least 30 days in advance. Once all paperwork is submitted, you will be contacted within two weeks to schedule your job shadowing experience. Provide the following paperwork to
Contact Us
Our Broadlawns Team is happy to connect with you!
To reach us, please email:
PLEASE NOTE: Submitting required application documents does NOT guarantee a student position at Broadlawns Medical Center. Placement depends upon availability in the specific area(s) you request and the availability of staff.